Fri, 18 April 2014
Full to Disseminating Sagittarius Moon: Purging the old and welcoming the future |
Thu, 17 April 2014
Full Scorpio to Sagittarius Moon: Introspection to Pursuit of a New Path |
Wed, 16 April 2014
Full Scorpio Moon: Going within to learn more about re-interpreting our reality |
Tue, 15 April 2014
Full eclipsed Libra Moon to Scorpio Moon: What happened in the darkness? Dressing up underused faculties |
Mon, 14 April 2014
Gibbous Libra Moon: Comparing and re-arranging identity issues |
Sat, 12 April 2014
Merrylin talks with Daniel Fiverson about his gatherings in Santa Fe on the Return of the Divine Feminine as mapped in horoscopes. |
Sat, 12 April 2014
Gibbous Virgo to Libra Moon: Lost in another world to insights about ideal interactions |
Fri, 11 April 2014
Gibbous Virgo Moon: Focus on priorities |
Thu, 10 April 2014
Last Quarter Leo Moon to Virgo Moon: Waning confidence to greater clarity |
Wed, 9 April 2014
First Quarter Leo Moon: Intuitive alerts regarding alterations |
Tue, 8 April 2014
First Quarter Leo Moon: Spreading good feelings |
Mon, 7 April 2014
First Quarter Cancer Moon: Pushing to develop something in a new context |
Sat, 5 April 2014
Merrylin LeBlanc and guest Martin Goldsmith talk about the exact cross at 14 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. |
Sat, 5 April 2014
Crescent Gemini to Cancer Moon: Endless connections to singling out a direction |
Fri, 4 April 2014
Crescent Gemini Moon: Weaving and extending new knowledge |
Thu, 3 April 2014
New to Crescent Taurus to Gemini Moon: Drawing from inner resources |
Wed, 2 April 2014
New Taurus Moon: Worthwhile new elements |
Tue, 1 April 2014
New Taurus Moon: Evaluating things achieved and using an inner sense |
Mon, 31 March 2014
New Aries Moon: Bumping into walls and feeling lost |
Sat, 29 March 2014
This new Moon cycle is joined to a grand cross, a crucible for transformation |
Sat, 29 March 2014
Balsamic Pisces to New Aries Moon: going in all directions to taking a fresh look at relationships and things |
Fri, 28 March 2014
Balsamic Pisces Moon: Living from the inside out |
Thu, 27 March 2014
Balsamic Aquarius Moon: inspired innovation |
Wed, 26 March 2014
Last Quarter Aquarius Moon: evolutionary experiences |
Tue, 25 March 2014
Last Quarter Capricorn to Aquarius Moon: Retreating for spiritual immersion |
Mon, 24 March 2014
Last Quarter Capricorn Moon: Changes to social interactions |
Sat, 22 March 2014
Merrylin talks about some recent experiences related to the archetypes of Writer and Oppressor, Mercury and Neptune |
Sat, 22 March 2014
Disseminating Sagittarius to Capricorn Moon: the rhythm of inspiration to important decisions |
Fri, 21 March 2014
Disseminating Scorpio to Sagittarius Moon: Inspired hunches morphing into spreading the spirit |
Thu, 20 March 2014
Disseminating Scorpio Moon: Seeing the extraordinary within the ordinary |
Wed, 19 March 2014
Full Scorpio Moon: Daily living as a training ground for Spirit |
Tue, 18 March 2014
Full Libra Moon: Attention to social conditions |
Mon, 17 March 2014
Full Libra Moon: Sudden realizations about the spiritual dimension of life |
Sat, 15 March 2014
Merrylin talks about this next quarter of the solar year and replays part of Martin Goldsmith's and Atma Devi's remarks about Mars in Libra retrograde. |
Sat, 15 March 2014
Gibbous to Full Virgo Moon: Enhancing relationships which cultivate inner peace and support ongoing awakening of consciousness |
Fri, 14 March 2014
Gibbous Leo to Virgo Moon: Striving to maintain special patterns |
Thu, 13 March 2014
Gibbous Leo Moon: Rigorously doing the right thing |
Wed, 12 March 2014
First Quarter to Gibbous Leo Moon: Staging poses for reactions |
Tue, 11 March 2014
Last Quarter Cancer to Leo Moon: Choose wisely and be ready to re-adjust |
Mon, 10 March 2014
First Quarter Cancer Moon: a roller coaster flow |
Sat, 8 March 2014
This Moonwise is an hour long fund drive show with Atma Devi and Martin Goldsmith talking about Mars in Libra, both Mars direct and retrograde. |
Sat, 8 March 2014
First Quarter Gemini to Cancer Moon: following intuition for alignments and supporting growth |
Fri, 7 March 2014
Crescent Gemini Moon: energetic persistence to go to a higher level |
Thu, 6 March 2014
Crescent Taurus to Gemini Moon: Appreciating hunches, sixth sense, imagination, and divine intervention |
Wed, 5 March 2014
Crescent Taurus Moon: Noticing worthwhile traits |
Tue, 4 March 2014
New to Crescent Aries to Taurus Moon: Clashes to calmness |
Mon, 3 March 2014
New Aries Moon: Exploring paths to illumination |
Sat, 1 March 2014
A Moon Cycle about enlightenment and communion |
Sat, 1 March 2014
New Pisces to Aries Moon: Following intuition to be on one's spiritual path and connect with others on the same journey |
Fri, 28 February 2014
Balsamic Aquarius to Pisces Moon: Shifts and altruism |
Thu, 27 February 2014
Balsamic Aquarius Moon: Unusual imaging and visualizing |
Wed, 26 February 2014
Balsamic Capricorn to Aquarius Moon: Looking at things from a mental perspective
Direct download: 31023_program_moon_minute_wed_02_26_14.wav
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am MST |
Tue, 25 February 2014
Last Quarter To Balsamic Capricorn Moon: A mature perspective of lessons regarding the power of an intuitive moment |
Mon, 24 February 2014
Last Quarter Capricorn Moon: Seeking the emotional honesty of the spiritual dimension |
Sat, 22 February 2014
Sun-Neptune Cycle and Moon's Nodes Move into Libra-Aries |
Sat, 22 February 2014
Last Quarter Sagittarius Moon: Overcoming barriers to our inner alliances |
Fri, 21 February 2014
Disseminating Scorpio Moon: Following one's conscience when caring for inner needs not met by outer reality |
Thu, 20 February 2014
Disseminating Scorpio Moon: Preserving emotional warmth |
Wed, 19 February 2014
Disseminating Libra Moon: Illuminating an ideal current direction |
Tue, 18 February 2014
Full to Disseminating Libra Moon: Guidance for appropriate behavior and encouragement to ritualize internal communication |
Mon, 17 February 2014
Full Virgo to Libra Moon: Accessing discoveries and exploring the depths of an inner relationship |
Sat, 15 February 2014
Merrylin interviews Erin Sullivan about love in astrological terms. |
Sat, 15 February 2014
Full Virgo Moon: Organizing message and aligning with guidance |
Fri, 14 February 2014
Gibbous to Full Leo Moon: Beckonings of the heart to attend to awakenings |
Thu, 13 February 2014
Gibbous Leo Moon: Power available for a quantum leap |
Wed, 12 February 2014
Gibbous Cancer to Leo Moon: Sensitive reactions to a blast of activity |
Tue, 11 February 2014
Gibbous Cancer Moon: Bringing together things and people in need of each other |
Mon, 10 February 2014
First Quarter to Gibbous Cancer Moon: Relying on instincts to bring things together |
Sat, 8 February 2014
Merrylin talks about Mercury retrograde in Pisces and Aquarius, using examples from the movie, American Hustle. |
Sat, 8 February 2014
First Quarter Gemini Moon: Teasing out the gems of insights intuitively |
Fri, 7 February 2014
First Quarter Taurus to Gemini Moon: Hearing one's inner muse and deciding what to share |
Thu, 6 February 2014
Crescent to First Quarter Taurus Moon and Mercury Retrograde: Deciding on action which externalizes inspirations |
Wed, 5 February 2014
Crescent Taurus Moon: Letting Nature stimulate us |
Tue, 4 February 2014
Crescent Aries Moon: Comparing and contrasting for inner balance |
Mon, 3 February 2014
Crescent Aries Moon: Wondering what to do to firm up an inner spiritual relationship |
Sat, 1 February 2014
Merrylin LeBlanc talks with Martin Goldsmith about Venus stationing to go direct and conjoining Pluto which is in opposition to Jupiter. |
Sat, 1 February 2014
New Pisces Moon: Flowing with the inner sanctum of our minds |
Fri, 31 January 2014
New Aquarius Moon: Letting divine murmurings guide us |
Thu, 30 January 2014
Balsamic to New Aquarius Moon: Getting inspirations from our inner monologues/dialogues |
Wed, 29 January 2014
Balsamic Capricorn Moon: Slow-to-come mini manifestations |
Tue, 28 January 2014
Balsamic Capricorn Moon: Old lessions not to repeat by choosing to act differently |
Mon, 27 January 2014
Last Quarter to Balsamic Sagittarius Moon: Finishing up old business and exploring new options |
Sat, 25 January 2014
Merrylin talks about the theme of this lunation: internal monologue/dialogue |
Sat, 25 January 2014
Last Quarter Scorpio to Sagittarius Moon: Release feelings and believe you can change your behavior |
Fri, 24 January 2014
Last Quarter Scorpio Moon: Honest uncovering of the truth of a situation |
Thu, 23 January 2014
Disseminating Libra to Scorpio Moon: Easily influenced to stubborn |
Wed, 22 January 2014
Disseminating Libra Moon: Astute observations and quick assessment |
Tue, 21 January 2014
Disseminating Libra Moon: Unusual insights abound |
Mon, 20 January 2014
Disseminating Virgo Moon: Confronting an image of the "good life" |
Sat, 18 January 2014
Merrylin LeBlanc talks with Kilaya, an astrologer who travels around the world with Amma and offers western astrology to her devotees. |
Sat, 18 January 2014
Full Leo to Virgo Moon: Swayed by entertainment and importance of critiquing |
Fri, 17 January 2014
Full Leo Moon: Dawning realizations |
Thu, 16 January 2014
Full Leo Moon: Thirst for excitement and images coalescing |
Wed, 15 January 2014
Gibbous to Full Cancer Moon: Internal stirrings and revelations |
Tue, 14 January 2014
Gibbous Cancer Moon: Full of potential when being innovative |
Mon, 13 January 2014
Gibbous Gemini to Cancer Moon:Unpredictability to sweet comfort |
Sat, 11 January 2014
Erin Sullivan is the guest astrologer talking about Venus, Mars, and Jupiter retrograde |
Sat, 11 January 2014
First Quarter to Gibbous Gemini Moon: Getting data and tying up loose ends |
Fri, 10 January 2014
First Quarter Taurus Moon: Proving our worth |
Thu, 9 January 2014
First Quarter Taurus Moon: Caretaking with little delightful touches |