Fri, 6 March 2015
Full Virgo to Libra Moon: using intuition to bridge differences |
Thu, 5 March 2015
Full Virgo Moon: realizing the essence of cultural dreams |
Wed, 4 March 2015
Gibbous Virgo Moon: unusual social and magical exchanges |
Tue, 3 March 2015
Gibbous Leo Moon: evaporating excitement in a mirage world |
Mon, 2 March 2015
Gibbous Leo Moon: personal discoveries and contagious sociability |
Sat, 28 February 2015
Merrylin and Michael talk about the basic relationships among the luminaries and planets from an esoteric perspective. |
Sat, 28 February 2015
First Quarter to Gibbous Cancer to Leo Moon: blurry-edged days to improvisation |
Fri, 27 February 2015
First Quarter Cancer Moon: sublimating needs and attending to social conditions |
Thu, 26 February 2015
First Quarter Gemini Moon: stimuli overwhelm and fertile intuition |
Wed, 25 February 2015
Crescent to First Quarter Gemini Moon: picking up more social factors & decisively exploring new areas |
Tue, 24 February 2015
Crescent Taurus Moon: weakened stamina and strong intuitions |
Mon, 23 February 2015
Crescent Taurus Moon: moving beyond inertia with confidence |
Sat, 21 February 2015
Merrylin talks about the meaning of this first conjunction of Venus and Mars in 2015 with examples and symbols. |
Sat, 21 February 2015
New to Crescent Aries to Taurus Moon: thrills, lack of energy when needed, and grounding |
Fri, 20 February 2015
New Pisces to Aries Moon: dreaming the best to a merging to assertion and compliance |
Thu, 19 February 2015
New Pisces Moon: perspectives of mass consciousness and repetitive mindlessness |
Wed, 18 February 2015
Balsamic to New Aquarius to Pisces Moon: impulses indicating inconsistencies in social standards and human behavior |
Tue, 17 February 2015
Balsamic Aquarius Moon: getting drawn into the unfamiliar |
Mon, 16 February 2015
Balsamic Capricorn to Aquarius Moon: cultivating psychological and social bonds |
Sat, 14 February 2015
Merrylin talks about the next Moon Cycle beginning at the last degree of Aquarius |
Sat, 14 February 2015
Last Quarter Sagittarius to Capricorn Moon to Balsamic Phase: sustaining good feelings and envisioning novel interactions |
Fri, 13 February 2015
Last Quarter Sagittarius Moon: opening up to new horizons |
Thu, 12 February 2015
Last Quarter Scorpio to Sagittarius Moon: inhabiting inner sanctum to let off steam and be self-sufficient |
Wed, 11 February 2015
Disseminating to Last Quarter Scorpio Moon: enlisting the support of others |
Tue, 10 February 2015
Disseminating Scorpio Moon: scrupulous acknowledgement of what has been learned |
Mon, 9 February 2015
Disseminating Libra Moon: diligently seeking a deeper perception of appearances |
Sat, 7 February 2015
Merrylin and Daniel talk about the 3 meetings of Venus and Mars during this year, intensifying our relationship issues |
Sat, 7 February 2015
Full to Disseminating Libra Moon: recognizing emerging subconscious truths about social conditions |
Fri, 6 February 2015
Full Virgo Moon: big improvements followed by rest |
Thu, 5 February 2015
Full Virgo Moon: looking for what's useful and discarding what isn't |
Wed, 4 February 2015
Full Leo Moon: naivety and avoidance of creative impulse in the midst of rich images |
Tue, 3 February 2015
Gibbous to Full Leo Moon: spotlighting our social participation |
Mon, 2 February 2015
Gibbous Cancer to Leo Moon: Quiet to excitement |
Sat, 31 January 2015
Jason and Merrylin discuss the fusion of Martian activity with Neptunian imagery. |
Sat, 31 January 2015
Gibbous Cancer Moon: using gut sensitivity to make adjustments |
Fri, 30 January 2015
First Quarter to Gibbous Gemini Moon: Activate intuitive mind in observation mode |
Thu, 29 January 2015
First Quarter Gemini Moon: express convictions while socializing |
Wed, 28 January 2015
First Quarter Taurus to Gemini Moon: complying and relaxing to gathering data |
Tue, 27 January 2015
First Quarter Taurus Moon: plenty of energy to push through and fulfill duties |
Mon, 26 January 2015
Crescent Aries to First Quarter Taurus Moon: Flighty to fruitful endeavors |
Sat, 24 January 2015
Martin Goldsmith discusses some Aquarius and Pisces revised symbols in his new edition of Zodiac by Degrees. |
Sat, 24 January 2015
Crescent Aries Moon: Full speed ahead, participating socially |
Fri, 23 January 2015
New to Crescent Pisces Moon: giving new ideal images value |
Thu, 22 January 2015
New Pisces Moon: heaviness melts away and movement speeds up |
Wed, 21 January 2015
New Aquarius Moon: thinking and perceptions influenced by feelings |
Tue, 20 January 2015
New Aquarius Moon: How do we go about improving things |
Mon, 19 January 2015
Balsamic Capricorn Moon: seeking a deeper understanding of truths |
Sat, 17 January 2015
Merrylin addresses this coming lunation as the midpoint or first quarter phase of the soul year, and describes the upcoming Moon Cycle. |
Sat, 17 January 2015
Balsamic Sagittarius to Capricorn Moon: expressing hidden dreams and seeking a breakthrough |
Fri, 16 January 2015
Last Quarter Sagittarius Moon: mental travels and maneuvers |
Thu, 15 January 2015
Last Quarter Scorpio Moon: privacy for self-needs |
Wed, 14 January 2015
Last Quarter Scorpio Moon: an undercurrent of information exchanges |
Tue, 13 January 2015
Last Quarter Libra Moon: reorienting social perceptions and impacts |
Mon, 12 January 2015
Disseminating Libra Moon: others help in making decisions |
Sat, 10 January 2015
Merrylin and Daniel Fiverson talk about Saturn and mostly its connections to Jupiter, and a little about Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto |
Sat, 10 January 2015
Disseminating Virgo to Libra Moon: plans dissolve and make room for collaboration |
Fri, 9 January 2015
Disseminating Virgo Moon: letting go of unproductive habits and recognizing improvements |
Thu, 8 January 2015
Full Leo to Virgo Moon: adding spice to a magical world |
Wed, 7 January 2015
Full Leo Moon: Seeing one's role in humanity |
Tue, 6 January 2015
Full Leo Moon: sudden realizations about personal performance |
Mon, 5 January 2015
Full Cancer Moon: uneasiness, invasiveness and illogical fears |
Sat, 3 January 2015
Merrylin and Michael talk about Esoteric Astrology and how it differs from traditional western astrology. The question of transcending one's chart also comes up. |
Sat, 3 January 2015
Gibbous Gemini to Cancer to Full Moon: paying attention to details and noticing gut feelings |
Fri, 2 January 2015
Gibbous Gemini Moon: coordinating all that is needed |
Thu, 1 January 2015
Gibbous Taurus to Gemini Moon: mulling over what needs doing to racing into action |